Get Meal Online
How to manage your menu?
  1. Under 'My Account', click on 'Restaurant owner'.
  2. Then click on 'Menu' under the restaurant name.
Need help setting up the menu?
  1. Scan your menu and email to in gif, jpg, pdf, or tif format.
  2. We'll setup your menu and let you know when it's ready.
  3. There will be $50 charge for this service.
  4. Note: Setting up your menu may take up to one month to complete.
  5. Continue to submit payment
Want to enable your menu to allow online order?
  1. Under 'My Account', click on 'Restaurant owner'.
  2. Then click on 'Manage' for the restaurant name, and click on 'Online Order System'.
  3. And click on 'Open Restaurant for Online Ordering' button to enable your menu.
  4. We'll review your application. And once approved, your customer can order online.
  5. You'll also need to fax us the signed 'Service Agreement' which you can find it on the same page.